Service Industry Quality Manual and Product Realization



So I am working on my quality manual for my company, we are a 100% service industry, meaning we do not make anything, we only provide services of H.R., Customs, Accounting, Customer Service, and IT to our Customers who are production companies.

How do I go about writing the section on Product Realization, when we do not create products?

Can I exclude the whole 7.0 clause, or can I just define products as our service:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:?


Re: Service Industry Quality Manual

which standard are you making your QMS against?


Re: Service Industry Quality Manual

ISO 9001:2008. should of been more specific

John Broomfield

Super Moderator
So I am working on my quality manual for my company, we are a 100% service industry, meaning we do not make anything, we only provide services of H.R., Customs, Accounting, Customer Service, and IT to our Customers who are production companies.

How do I go about writing the section on Product Realization, when we do not create products?

Can I exclude the whole 7.0 clause, or can I just define products as our service:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:?


As I see it:

You plan the design and delivery of your services.

Your services are designed to help your customers to achieve their objectives.

Your service design process results in a specification for each type of service.

Your service spec is modified as necessary to fulfill the unique demands from your customers.

Your colleagues conform to the service specification to satisfy each customer's requirements.

Your service specs are reviewed and continually improved so your organization does a better job of helping customers to achieve their objectives.

All of the controls required by clause 7 apply except possibly clause 7.6.

This is the approach we take with our consulting and training services to create more successful customers.



Thanks John for the answer.

I am about to ask the same question too. Our company is doing trading business on steel products like pipes, cutsheet etc.

I am facing the same dilemma on writing quality manual on the exclusion clause too. As we are not producing product (Receiving goods-> Delivery).

Now i know, i shouldnt exclude clause 7.5 Production and service provision.

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