Jim Winings
I'm trying to get people to join my Six Sigma WEBRing. It gives the newbiees to Six Sigma a place to go and sample all the Six Sigma ONLY places with only ONE link to each place. Otherwise they have to go through pages and pages of stuff on the search engines that they DO NOT want. It allows for SPAM, it is free, and you get to use the cool Six Sigma graphic that I made!!! (GIRIN) What more could you want??? This WEBRing is for all interested in Six Sigma Concepts and Resources. Interest include Achieving 6 Sigma, Manufacturing Cycle Management, SPC, Understanding +/- 6 Sigma or Design For Manufacturability. The html must appear on your main page, (index.html or default.htm, etc.) or on your Six Sigma page.
So if you have a site that has something about Six Sigma, please join!! I have already had 'Lots-O-People' looking at the list to get Six Sigma Information.
To join go to this link to join ...
So if you have a site that has something about Six Sigma, please join!! I have already had 'Lots-O-People' looking at the list to get Six Sigma Information.
To join go to this link to join ...