Skip Sage



Talked to Skip on phone 10/26/03. Skip reports he is recovering from a foot injury and still unable to drive. His Email address is piks39 -at-

Strong Bow

Most of you Tosebo campers know by now, but for any who might stumble across this site, I sadly report that Skip Sage dies on September 11, 2005 at his home in Royal Oak, MI. Skip was a camper starting in 1951 and was there until 1961. The last two summers he was the Waterfront Director at Tosebo. Skip's imposing figure and nose covered with zinc oxide were a constant fixture on the white bench in front of the Boathouse. Skip loved A&W root beer and would often bring back a 25 cent quart cone of not so cold root beer to a camper at midnight. He was also well remembered as a master of the "pink belly" for some deserving camper. Unable to attend the Reunion in June of 2005, several attendees of that event left a greeting on his home answering machine. His wife reported that he never erased that message from the machine and listened fondly to the memories of old friends.

Another Tosebo camper on "that long, long trail a winding"

Strong Bow
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