I think you hit the nail on the head when you contrast the usage of SPC in plastic injection molding versus metal machining. Although I may not necessarily buy the comment on machine complexity - having worked in both industries - the material variation and process parameter variety is more significant in injection molding. Other factors I have run into is seasonality of cooling water temperature (when a cooler is not used), cooling (or heating) variation across the tool, frequency of injection (tools have a long time to cool during breaks if the machine is shut down - lose steady state), flow variation from cavity to cavity based on runner system design, humidity (serious issues for some polymers), etc. Weight can be a lousy measure because of the variation of density from the injection pressure drop across the runners and cavities. The point is plastic injection molding is "organic" in many different ways - and it as readily SPC'ed as the height of mushrooms in a forest. Best of luck!!