special process validation



One of our customers mentions that their part should be zinc plated but does not mention the plating thickness or the salt spray. Under this situation , is it required to conduct a special process validation as the product parameter is only VISUAL plating.

Craig H.


I would say that it is up to you to define what the customer's requirements really are. Sure, you can put a cheap plating job on it, but when your customer's customers start screaming, you may have claims to pay and lose business (maybe even worse).

Ask your customer how the part will be used, the environment, Mean time between failure for associated components, etc. Then you can determine what makes the best economic sense for you both.

It's best to find out now and avoid surprises later. This is exactly the type of situation where us quality types can earn our keep.

Good luck.

Bill Ryan - 2007

I agree with Craig. Save yourself a lot of headaches down the road and grill your customer on the parts useage.

We have ASTM specifications (and others) which we "understand" need to be followed if the specification is not called out on the part print.

Good luck!!

Greg Mack

This also comes under basic contract review for those requirements/specifications that are implied but not necessarily stated.
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