Students trying find information on Producation Part Approval Process - ABC of PPAP


Sanjay Lal

We are a group of students and we are trying out find information on PPAP, for ex; how did it evolve, what is it, Is it only related to Tier1 company, is it similar to ISO9000....etc. We also need actual manuals to read on what steps are followed under different customer requirements. Please help and direct us to a proper source. If possible, can someone direct us to some facility in Kalamazoo, MI that deals with PPAP.
Sanjay Lal

Al Dyer

PPAP stands for Production Part Approval Process and is a requirement to do business with american automakers. It is not directly related to ISO-9000 but is a requirement of QS-9000 (Automotive) which is based on the requirements found in ISO-9000.

It is a requirement for tier I companies but also used by tier II and II companies. Contact the AIAG and you can find out more and order PPAP requirements.

This is a very basic overview and there are many other informative areas of this forum to further explain PPAP (the outcome of APQP) so good luck!

Al Dyer
Mngt. Rep.
[email protected]
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