Telecommunications Standard TL 9000 - Willing to Help Others


Hi Mark,

thanks for the offer to help "TL9000 greenhorns" like me.

We have an interpretation issue between our US headquarter and our German customer in regard to NPR 1/2/3. I checked the internet and the QUEST Homepage, but doesn´t find any real practically help.

Could you help me with the following metric:
NPR = number of problem reports per NU per year
Product category is 5.1 Synchronization

NP1 = 3 (in one month)
Afactor = 12 (12 month)
S = per Appendix A, Table A-2
number of total units in field = 5000
number of units shipped the last 12 months = 100

NPR1 = 3 *12/5000
NPR1 = 3*12/100

thank you in advance

best regards

Hi Marc:

I have a question for you. We're a service organization (contract staffing for the telecommunications industry) registered to TL 9000. We exclude clause 7.3 Design & Development as we don't have D&D activities. Does this mean that we can exlcude all subclauses within this section? For example, 7.3.1.C.1, Project Plan?



Hello Lorenz and Barbara!

I am not sure if I have seen Mark Kempf around in a while, but there are other really proficient experts here.

Can anyone give some assistance to these two queries?


would anyone like to share the template for measurements (4.0 version)?


Mark, I was wondering if you are still reading this forum. Currently I am involved in helping a company with TL9000, but I cannot find any information on the measurement part of TL, other than the Measurements Handbook. Do you know of any current material? In particular how each company arrives at their measurements.



I received a lot of help through Quest Forum, They helped me with interpreting the measurements specific to my company. Additionally, ask your registrar, as they auditors should be able to help as well. They did for me.


Wes Bucey

Prophet of Profit
Mark, I was wondering if you are still reading this forum. Currently I am involved in helping a company with TL9000, but I cannot find any information on the measurement part of TL, other than the Measurements Handbook. Do you know of any current material? In particular how each company arrives at their measurements.
A quick view of Mark's Profile (click on a person's name at the top of a post for a dialog box from which to select Profile) shows the last time he logged in was Last Activity: 8th May 2006 07:23 AM

It would appear Mark has left the building!


would anyone like to share the template for measurements (4.0 version)?


Measurements for TL 9000 are dependent on product category. The common measurements for all product categories have not changed for release 4.0.

Our TL registration only requires the common measurements so there was no change for us when going to release 4.0. Your TL 9000 registrar can help you procure the appropriate measurements template for your product category.




Thank you for your offer to help others. I am tasked with creating internal audit questions/checklists for a small telcom manufacturer who is preparing to be registered to TL900 Release 4.0 for hardware and software (external auditor/registrar arrives April 1). I have spent the last couple of months updating the Quality Management System as detailed in the Quality Manual to reflect/comply with the 4.0 requirements and now need to do an internal audit to ensure that the company is doing what the Manual claims and to prepare for registration.

Could you share some of your expertise concerning the best approach in creating audit questions/checklists and conducting the audit? For instance, should each clause be individually audited (such as do an audit on 8.4, then 8.4.C.1, then 8.4.HS.1, then 8.4.V.1) or should they be audited together (such as auditing all clauses starting with 8.2 together)? Are there templates for this?

I am also wondering if the audit could/should be approached by focusing the audit on the company procedure that is referenced by a clause, since many procedures are referenced in multiple standards.

Any guidance you may provide is sincerely appreciated. Thank you.


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TL9000 Release 4.0 - Internal audit of quality management system in preparation for registration.


One of my colleagues found this on the web. It may help


    206.4 KB · Views: 311



Thank you for your offer to help others. I am tasked with creating internal audit questions/checklists for a small telcom manufacturer who is preparing to be registered to TL900 Release 4.0 for hardware and software (external auditor/registrar arrives April 1). I have spent the last couple of months updating the Quality Management System as detailed in the Quality Manual to reflect/comply with the 4.0 requirements and now need to do an internal audit to ensure that the company is doing what the Manual claims and to prepare for registration.


Any guidance you may provide is sincerely appreciated. Thank you.




TL 9000 requires that you have submitted at least 90 days worth of measurements prior to your registration. If your registration audit is April 1, 2008 you will need to have already made one submission to QuEST in order to comply. I believe QuEST requires quarterly submissions (even though you can submit your measurements at the end of each month) to be made by the 10th day of the month following the quarter. So, any submissions for the 4th quarter of 2007 should have already been made by Jan 10, 2008. If this still applies, your first "legal" measurements submission would be for Jan 2008. This means that you only would have been able to submit Jan., Feb. and Mar. of 2008 prior to April 1 (and you'd have to have submitted Mar. the morning of April 1).

Please consult with your registrar to determine if the measurement submissions still follow the guideline I've outlined above.

Also, QuEST requires a full round of internal audits (that means resolution of all CARs and full Management Review - which requires data analysis of your TL measurements) prior to your registration audit.

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