Test Laboratory and Gage R&R Requirements



Looking for some feedback. We have a test lab where we complete design testing, etc. In many cases calibrated tools are used to setup tests, etc. Some of the key processes used to setup a test mimic what is done in production. Is it necessary to complete Gage R &R on the calibrated tools used during test setup? If so, is there anything black and white that calls out this requirement?


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Moved to get more specific information for both Laboratory and GR&R.


Just a thought. Would not the validation requirements of the standard require you to do GRR to validate the measurement process?


The response is complicated.

Is your calibrated set-up equipment part of the traceability/MUA change for the test?
Is your calibrated set-up equipment calibrated in-house?

If your set-up equipment is found to be out of tolerance (OOT), could this affect your test results? IF so, it MUST be part of your traceability and MUA chain for that test, at minimum it must be determined if it provides any significant contribution to the MUA chain?

See 5.6.1 for the calibration traceability aspect.
See for uncertaintiy of measurement.
See 5.5 for equipment requirements.


It would help tremendously to know the relationship between the set-up equipment and the test results.


A torque wrench is used to bolt cylinder heads to the block and your testing compression ratios. The torque wrench is part of the MUA chain and yes gage R&R should be performed.

Same torque wrench is used, however this time to bolt the engine to the test stand, still testing compression ratios. No the torque wrench is not part of the MUA and does not need to have gage R&R for the test.

However if it is in fact the same torque wrench used in both examples, the first example dictates that gage r&r, traceability to teh test etc. must be done.
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