Book review by Wallace Tait.
Book reviewed THE QUALITY AUDIT HANDBOOK (second edition)
Book editing director J. P. Russell.
Book published by ASQ quality press Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The quality audit handbook (second edition) is a progression of the first edition from ASQ, The first edition of this book was suggested to me by a lecturer at a college I attended in 1998 regarding getting acquainted with the ASQ body of knowledge (BOK), this book is also very popular with many of my colleagues in the UK.
I found the first edition to be invaluable to me regarding getting a proper and foundational understanding of auditing principles that are interpreted by the ASQ, BOK.
This book is definitely for the ASQ enthusiast who wishes to apply for and attempt the ASQ, CQA designation testing, I found the second edition to be a little more than the first edition regarding additional information for the auditor who wishes to be informed of the latest BOK, the text of this book is aligned with the BOK for easy cross- referencing.
There are seven parts or sections to this book wit information relating to; Ethics, Audit preparation, Audit performance, Audit reporting, Corrective action follow-up and closure, Audit program management and Audit sampling found in the Appendix section.
I was rather disappointed with the absence of any mention of the ISO 9001 2k standard changes to the 1994 version, this book makes reference only to the 1994 standard and, gives me the impression that a third edition may be on the way soon asking many ASQ seekers to buy the book in the third edition, this edition does indeed give a prospective quality auditor all of the basic auditing knowledge to be able to have part of the BOK information required by the ASQ, CQA designation.
Wallace Tait.
Book reviewed THE QUALITY AUDIT HANDBOOK (second edition)
Book editing director J. P. Russell.
Book published by ASQ quality press Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The quality audit handbook (second edition) is a progression of the first edition from ASQ, The first edition of this book was suggested to me by a lecturer at a college I attended in 1998 regarding getting acquainted with the ASQ body of knowledge (BOK), this book is also very popular with many of my colleagues in the UK.
I found the first edition to be invaluable to me regarding getting a proper and foundational understanding of auditing principles that are interpreted by the ASQ, BOK.
This book is definitely for the ASQ enthusiast who wishes to apply for and attempt the ASQ, CQA designation testing, I found the second edition to be a little more than the first edition regarding additional information for the auditor who wishes to be informed of the latest BOK, the text of this book is aligned with the BOK for easy cross- referencing.
There are seven parts or sections to this book wit information relating to; Ethics, Audit preparation, Audit performance, Audit reporting, Corrective action follow-up and closure, Audit program management and Audit sampling found in the Appendix section.
I was rather disappointed with the absence of any mention of the ISO 9001 2k standard changes to the 1994 version, this book makes reference only to the 1994 standard and, gives me the impression that a third edition may be on the way soon asking many ASQ seekers to buy the book in the third edition, this edition does indeed give a prospective quality auditor all of the basic auditing knowledge to be able to have part of the BOK information required by the ASQ, CQA designation.
Wallace Tait.