Thinking about a New Job for New Year?

Wes Bucey

Prophet of Profit
Added in edit December 31, 2009:
Everything in this thread is still pertinent and usable in the job hunt. Given the state of the USA and world economy, many job hunters are still experiencing a strong sense of desperation if they are already out of work or can see the handwriting on the wall that they will soon be laid off.

Above all, I want to add an extra caution to focus on the value you can add to a company, NOT the value of the company in providing you relief from your desperate circumstances. This kind of economy demands the job hunter exploit the vulnerability of the hiring company, NOT the other way around.

If you are thinking about a new job for the new year, NOW is the time to start finalizing your campaign plans.

If you are currently working, create a new business-like email address at gmail or yahoo that you will use strictly for the job hunt. Absolutely refrain from using the current work email address.

Read through our premier threads:
Resume and cover letter - How good are yours?
The Job Hunt - Care and feeding of references
Tips to get past the "gatekeeper" when job hunting

This might be a good time to check your wardrobe for a good "interview outfit." If you are male, that means a conservative tie to go with a suit or blazer; CLEAN, polished shoes (and clean socks!); a haircut both your mother and grandmother would approve. If you are a female, that means covering up tattoos and body parts only your lover should see.

I recognize that suit or blazer jackets are primarily for office workers, but a key thought is you should dress for an interview at least as well as the person who will be interviewing you. "The primary criterion is CLEAN AND NEAT, which will send a subtle message your work will also be clean and neat. Above all, do not dress like a "lounge lizard" or an extra in the disco scenes of Saturday Night Fever.

In later posts, we'll deal with how to answer appropriate questions and dodge inappropriate ones. Most importantly, we'll discuss questions you should research and ask as well as the best time in the interview cycle to ask them.


Added in edit (Dec 13, 2007):
It has been nearly a year since I started this thread. If you are reading it for the first time, trust me - none of it is "stale" information; it is all just as pertinent today as it was back in 2006 and most likely will be in 2008.

I have added some new information in post # 91 today. If it helps someone land a job even one day sooner than without, I'll be content. I'm not sure why you've chosen this thread -

  1. if it is for general info, to store away for future use, GOOD! We ALL need to prepare for change; change is inevitable.
  2. if it is because you are currently out of work and stressing, you have my sympathy, but even more, this is a roadmap to help you find your way and relieve SOME of the stress.
  3. if it is because you have a friend or relative currently out of work, regardless of the field of work, the information in this and the companion threads listed
    Resume and cover letter - How good are yours?
    The Job Hunt - Care and feeding of references
    Tips to get past the "gatekeeper" when job hunting
    will help them focus on the task at hand - getting a meaningful job on his or her own merit!
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Gert Sorensen

Re: New job for New Year?


That's kind of an ambivalent question :) I believe that all "job-hunters" have questions, or at least they probably should. Some people are extremely efficient at getting a job, but sometimes lack the critical sense of whether they should actually be taking the job at hand: Do they fit the culture? Can they actually provide something that will create value for the compandy AND the employees? Etc, etc.
Since I joined the Cove, I've been browsing through the threads that you have listed. And it is amazing the number of thoughts, ideas and suggestions that you are able to provide us with. We all owe you a huge "Thank you". Please do keep up the good work :cool:

The funny thing is that I do most or all of those things when applying for jobs and going for interviews, provided it is appropriate here in DK, and still I always come second place when I'm up QA-Manager positions.....:(

Some day my lucky star will shine on me, though:rolleyes:


Not out of the crisis
Super Moderator
Re: New job for New Year?


I'm always ready and always on the campaign.

it's the ignorant gatekeeper waving the SIX SIGMA ONLY flag that kills me. :mad:

Craig H.

Re: New job for New Year?


I'm always ready and always on the campaign.

it's the ignorant gatekeeper waving the SIX SIGMA ONLY flag that kills me. :mad:

Yeah, but would you REALLY want to work there anyway? That kind of thing cuts both ways.

Wes Bucey

Prophet of Profit
Re: New job for New Year?

That's kind of an ambivalent question :) I believe that all "job-hunters" have questions, or at least they probably should. Some people are extremely efficient at getting a job, but sometimes lack the critical sense of whether they should actually be taking the job at hand: Do they fit the culture? Can they actually provide something that will create value for the company AND the employees? Etc, etc.
Since I joined the Cove, I've been browsing through the threads that you have listed. And it is amazing the number of thoughts, ideas and suggestions that you are able to provide us with. We all owe you a huge "Thank you". Please do keep up the good work :cool:

The funny thing is that I do most or all of those things when applying for jobs and going for interviews, provided it is appropriate here in DK, and still I always come second place when I'm up QA-Manager positions.....:(

Some day my lucky star will shine on me, though:rolleyes:
Actually, you have asked a great question, even if the phrasing is a little oblique.

I understand the question to be:
"How do I "seal the deal" at the interview to know where I stand and, hopefully, elevate ME to be the most memorable, desirable candidate?"

Is my interpretation correct? If yes, I WILL be covering this topic later - stay tuned! If not a correct interpretation, let us know the real one.
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Wes Bucey

Prophet of Profit
Re: New job for New Year?


I'm always ready and always on the campaign.

it's the ignorant gatekeeper waving the SIX SIGMA ONLY flag that kills me. :mad:
Yep - good addition both here and in
Tips to get past the "gatekeeper" when job hunting

There is a method to get around a lot of these piles of pig manure who set up a requirement when they have no clue what the requirement means or whether it is appropriate. In most cases, it's like requiring a MBA degree for the person who cleans the toilet. (In most cases the "over qualified" one will do an unsatisfactory job anyway.)

Stay tuned, I WILL cover this aspect in depth.

Gert Sorensen

Re: New job for New Year?

"How do I "seal the deal" at the interview to know where I stand and, hopefully, elevate ME to be the most memorable, desirable candidate?"

Is my interpretation correct? If yes, I WILL be covering this topic later - stay tuned! If not a correct interpretation, le us know the real one.

You're dead on. I sometimes lack the ability to be clear when I'm writing, so thank you for the translation.

I will look forward to the coverage of this specific point. It is never to late to learn from the master :)

Wes Bucey

Prophet of Profit
Re: New job for New Year?

I would like to mention in my RESUME that I am a member of the Elsmar Cove which helps me in my pursuit of knowledge enhancement :)
It's never enough to just "mention" something unless you weave a story of how it will benefit the employer. They don't care about the benefit to YOU unless it translates to a benefit for THEM!


Not out of the crisis
Super Moderator
Re: New job for New Year?

Yeah, but would you REALLY want to work there anyway? That kind of thing cuts both ways.

Maybe. Because it may just be ignorance on the part of the recruiter or HR person. The hiring manager may have said something along the lines of "6s certifcation would be nice".
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