This is a slow day, I'm starting to get the Elsmar Cove DT's


Al Dyer

Boy this is a slow day, I'm starting to get the Cayman DT's !!!!!!!!!!!!!



Fully vaccinated are you?
Holiday. I spent most the day mowing and such. Just finished a shower and now I'm Ready To --- well, ready to --- well, I'm sure I'll figure something to do. I've been playing with the site some.

You know, if it wasn't for the excuse of exercise, I wouldn't bother. I'm not sure if my neighbors would fire-bomb me for raising a small forest or not....

This is a slow day, I'm starting to get the Elsmar Cove DT's


Fully vaccinated are you?
One more to relieve your boredom. 'Mom' and her 3 kits last night. They really like Meow Mix!


Fully vaccinated are you?
Things to do:

1. Train Your Neighbors

Pull Lever

Get seed from 'Payoff Slot'

Eat Seed


Al Dyer

Thanks Marc!

Great photos, after my post I decided to do something I havn't done in awhile, take a nap and relax.

Have a good weekend,


[This message has been edited by Al Dyer (edited 30 June 2001).]

Michael T


I'm totally green with envy! You have a beautiful place - beats the heck out of my little 1/4 acre in the burbs... :D

It may be a pain the butt to mow - but man, what an awesome place. No wonder you have racoons & all the other furries. Very cool!

Have a great 4th of July!



Alf Gulford

Nice shots, Marc-
One question: Where did you get that nifty squirrel feeder. I'd like to find something similar that the bluejays can't rob. Is there a brandname (or are you selling plans)?


Fully vaccinated are you?
The name on it is Vari-Crafts and I probably bought it at - well, I can't remember the name but it's a nation wide chain of bird-stuff stores. I hate to buy there as the prices are rip-offs, but sometimes I do get bulk seed - like 50# sacks - on sale. I fill it with sun flower seeds as they flow pretty well and rain doesn't completely gum up the works.

It has been fun watching the squirrels learn the lever 'trick'.

As for the bluejays - well, I spend about US$50 a month on 'animal' stuff. The bluejays here end up well fed. Actually, they like the MeowMix I throw out on the patio as much as the seed in the feeders. They'll come to within maybe 5 feet of me when there's a bunch of them and they 'feel cocky'. I throw out MeowMix or other cheap bulk cat food and the birds eat it, the 'coons LOVE it, the groundhogs eat a lot of it, but mostly in the spring. Skunks like it, as well. There are several wild cats which seem to like whatever I throw out, as well. Sometimes I put a bowl of peanuts inside the door (my desk is right at the sliding door) at my side and the more cocky 'coons come in and grab a few and take them to the patio to eat them. Not many rabbits show up for any length of time. I'd like to see more rabbits - I like them.

Desk by the sliding glass door (typically door is open):

This is a slow day, I'm starting to get the Elsmar Cove DT's


Fully vaccinated are you?
BTW - The Vari-Craft folks have a sticker on the squirrel feeder saying it is guaranteed against squrrel damage for life. You can also vary the 'output' (payoff) per pull with a simple knob.

Mine is about 4 or 5 years old and I clean it once a year in the spring - as I do with all the feeders (I have 7 different feeders). It's as good as when I bought it. Works fine and no damage yet!. It's pretty well built and designed.

On the other hand, two of my feeders are totally wood and about 6 years old - they're going, but have a few good years left in them. I've had to do 'repairs' to each of them, though, each spring when I clean them.


Must add my comments to Michael's. It is a truly beautiful place. I may be a little biased since I'm in the area and know it well. I grew up in the Sharonville, Pisgah area when it was still pretty much rural. I still have relatives in the West Chester/Butler County area. I pains me some to see all the development out there.

I am curious how much ground you have there. I'm restrcited to an acre, and pretty much in town (married a city girl). Quite a bit of wildlife though. Jays, Mockers, Deer (neighbors feed them) Rabbits, occasional possum.

By the way your lack of rabbits may have to do with the wild cats hanging around. They are contra-indicated if you want rabbits around.

Great place. And great Web site too. Thanks for sharing

James Huening

[This message has been edited by JRKH (edited 02 July 2001).]
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