Thread Gage Training?


Calibration Kid

Does anyone know if there is any training on measuring thread gages out there?


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Does anyone know if there is any training on measuring thread gages out there?

Are you looking for a course in usage, cleaning, manufacturing, Inspection?

You could start with the handbook - FED-STD-H28 and then go to YOUTUBE.COM and type thread gauges

Hope this will start your journey:cool: .

Calibration Kid

Thank you for the replies.

And yes I have the Pratt & Whitney manual, thanks for the link. I need in depth training. I have been doing this for a while now and have surpassed everything I can find online or youtube. I guess I looking for training that almost falls under engineering? I need to know that stuff and how to measure.

I will definitely check out the FED-STD-H28, thank you for the suggestion
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