Thread Plug Gage - Calibration Frequency




I am justing wondering how often your company calibrates Thread Plug Gages.
Are they on a per use cycle? if so how many uses before re-calibration is required. or an annual schedule? if so yearly, monthly? Generally what is the life cycle of a thread plug gage?


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Re: Thread Plug Gage - Calibration Frequency?


I am justing wondering how often your company calibrates Thread Plug Gages.
Are they on a per use cycle? if so how many uses before re-calibration is required. or an annual schedule? if so yearly, monthly? Generally what is the life cycle of a thread plug gage?


This question always depends on usage. My personal rule of thumb: Annually for gages in a lab environment. Every three months for production gages.

If you have good records of previous calibrations, look at how often the gages went out for calibration and came back in calibration. You can use this data to determine what risk you want to accept.

Edit: Sorry, did not notice this was the Medical Devices forum. If there is a particular standard in medical this could be entirely incorrect.
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