That's a good start, but you want to be sure how you position yourself with these network contacts. Are you establishing yourself as a "top of the game" in your chosen field?
At this point in my IT career I'm in a slump doing desktop support. But I keep smiling and do the utmost to resolve any technical issues to the best of my ability. I go above and beyond on a daily basis. I feel no matter what "job" you have, you will always have customers(or clients). Many technicians forget that aspect of the job. I can fix 100+ laptops a day, but if I treat the customers like dirt, that is all they will remember.
So the answer to your question is yes, I present myself in a manner that shows I am the best at what I do. The only issue is it's not where I want to be. I never let it show, but I think it daily. I don't want to be remembered as the exceptional "repair guy", so I give exceptional customer service and hope that is what sticks in their mind.