Tools of the Auditing Trade


Fully vaccinated are you?
This thread has been damaged. The original topic has been lost.

Don Winton

Very Good. Very good indeed. I wish I had thought of this. But, as such, I did not. I try to teach internal assessors to audit to the "letter of the law" and let the client determine the "intent of the law," so to speak. I do a "standard" NCF to record findings. I like your suggestion and may re-think my format. Thanks.

barb butrym

Quite Involved in Discussions
I am tired of my NCR and looking for new ideas......butthen I suppose if it works why fix it....this isn't ncr...its more of a communication tool, you still need some sort of ncr.


Fully vaccinated are you?
Shoot me a copy and let me know if I can post it.

You might want to check out <a href="" target=blank>A Nonconformance Database Example</a>

For company audits, one of the databases I use is: <a href="" target=blank> An Audit Findings Report</a>

And there's a planning form for internal audits: <a href="" target=blank> Internal Audit Planning Form</a>


Fully vaccinated are you?
By the way, barb... You said:

"...butthen I suppose if it works why fix it...".

That's not a very progressive attitude... And what about Continuous Improvement?


Fully vaccinated are you?
This thread was damaged when the server hardware failure occured. Does anyone have a copy of the original post?

And barb - what were (are) you going to send?

By the way - I have asked my ISP to supply me with backup files from last Friday which should have the earlier posts. I'll put them up when (hopefully not IF) my ISP sends me the files.

[This message has been edited by Marc Smith.]

barb butrym

Quite Involved in Discussions
sending a status/summary matrix similar to your planning thing but covers the audit results as well.

Sorry for the delay, have been out straight and working from 2 computers and a lap top, so I need to get on the one that has the matrix so I can save/send <LOL>
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