Top management clarification


Raul Rovirosa

Hi all,

I am new to the Cove, my name is Raul.

My question is one of clarification that I am sure you will be able to help me with.

Who is classified as top management? Based on the standard it a defined as a person or group of people who directs and control an organization at the highest level. I work for a family owned business which consist of a dad, mom and two sons. Would they be the only ones considered to be "top management" They titles are President-dad. Mom and the two sons are all VP's. The rest of us are lonely managers which includes me. I am the Quality Manager. Would they be then responsible for all the Top management shall responsibilities of the standard.

Please advise, any help would be greatly appreciated.




Welcome !:bigwave:

The company gets to decide who the top management is. In our company we said the CEO, CFO, VP's and Regional Directors. That puts about 8 people in the group.

For your company, probably the President and the VP's. But it is entirely for your company to decide.

Raul Rovirosa

Thanks for your response Lucinda,

So it can be the next tier down? As long top management is okay with that. Doesn't ISO require it to be the highest level in the company?

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