Definition TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) - What is TPM?


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In part, I'm surprised no one has commented on this. I've seen TPM and it's impressive.


I suspect you have heard so little about TPM because companies seem to stumble on it only after starting some type of lean production effort.

Not many companies implement lean manufacturing correctly, so not many run into equipment issues that can (must?) be solved with TPM techniques.


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I was working with Motorola in Guadalajara. They were silmultaneously going through a TPM implementation and a QS9000 implementation. What they were doing with old equipment with TPM impressed the hell out of me. They took it to the extreme of altering equipment in ways where I sat back and thought "Why didn't the equipment manufacturer think of that???" I was, and am, impressed. But then it's base is close to my heart. Preventive maintenance and improvement. There are so many companies which run equipment to death. The sad thing is it's the old story. Wait till it dies and survive the downtime costs. It's like keeping a balance on a credit card. Every year - more interest costs.

I really thought there would be more interest in a TPM forum, but it was obviously my personal excitement.



Any chance you can give a more specific example of what Motorola was doing with the equipment related to this topic?

Thanks in advance

Joseph Lucas


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Equipment was all on a list with a 'schedule'. Each piece of equipment went thru 'phases' of evaluation and action. At one point you would walk up to a machine and post-it notes with a name and date were everywhere. Operators would make up these notes as well as engineers and such. What they did - well, there were many things. One machine had a guard on a pully system which to get to before you had to remove several bolts and such to inspect and/or change. They put a hinge and quick fasten tie-down mechanism on it and even cut a hole in the guard (solid metal) and put in a plexaglass 'window' so you could immediately see the belt condition and pully position.

They took all the post-it notes, listed them and discussed the suggestions. None were overlooked. The operators were immediately involved in all discussions and decisions. The maintenance schedule for several months were posted on the machine.

The whole thing was a great exercise in understanding the equipment.

Jerry Eldred

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Just a brief word from Motorola. I can't speak officially on behalf of Motorola, and I suppose it would not be appropriate for me to mention specific details.

I recently visited some manufacturing facilities in the Asia region which had recently implemented TPM. This was my first exposure. I was quite impressed, as it was a very "common sense" method to empower people at all levels to take ownership of the whole manufacturing process, proactively. Where stereotypically, one might imagine a major piece of production equipment developing a problem that stops production. Under previous circumstances, the operator might consider it an opportunity for down time, under TPM, not only is the operator to be proactive in assessment of the problem, but details that the operator is involved in within TPM framework may well have prevented the major production tool from going down in the first place.

Needless to say, I was quite positively impressed.


Fully vaccinated are you?
Motorola - Guadalajara is where I 'was exposed' to TPM. I remain impressed.
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