Training to ISO 14001 - Effective ways to get the ISO information across to trainees



I have been a visitor to this site many times and found the information here extremely helpful which is why I come to you now.
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share experiences, thoughts, ideas on effective ways to get the ISO information across to trainees. Our company is in the process of implementing an EMS and one of my jobs is to help train the CFT members. I am new to this standard myself and have learned a considerable amount but sometimes am finding it difficult to translate the standard and its requirements to others. Any thoughts would be very welcome.


Super Moderator
Go thread by thread thru the ISO 14001 portion of this site all the way back to the beginning and resaech what we have said in the past.

I normally provide a 1 hour orientation / awareness training session to my clients employees. They get the message and have a good time in doing so. Too many times this stuff is drier than toast and bores the **** out of people. The presentation has to be dynamic and the material brought to life for it to take hold. Standing in front of people and reading off of the slides in a monotone doesn't cut it (I was in a class like that yesterday and nearly cried).

Trust me when I say that if you can get the message out to a bunch of PhD rockets scientists and manual laborers in the same audience, keep their collective attention, and they leave understanding what you said, you succeeded, the message got out and was absorbed.

Good luck....


Thank you very much for your reply. I have talked to a few different consultants and so far only one hasn't put me to sleep. I'll check out other threads and go from there. All info to date has been very informative.


Super Moderator
You'll find a great deal of good solid info in a short time. This is the best resource on the internet.;)


Here, here! I second that, a wealth of information can be found on these sites.

Here are some auditor hints that may help ...


  • audit hints.doc
    33.5 KB · Views: 1,515


and perhaps a littel auditor training .... (I don't know how to attach more than one file at a time so you'll have to bear with my multiple posts)


  • emsaudittrain.ppt
    102 KB · Views: 1,256


last but not least .....


  • review of elements.doc
    92 KB · Views: 751


Thanks so much Cheryl....that was excellent stuff....I appreciate your sharing it. Its given me some great ideas for training auditors.

Greg Maggard

You guys have some great stuff to work with. I am in the same boat as you. I am working on my EMS and TS programs together. I just finished my policies and inter twinded them as one system. I have color coded the EMS 14k when reference is made or needs to be addressed. I think it will work out nicely:) :thedeal:
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