Transition from QS 9000 to TS 16949


Jim W

Would those of you who have passed the registration audit for TS 16949 please provide me with information on where possible problem areas are. We are QS 9000 certified and I have just been notified by Mgt. that we need to make the transition. There appears to be alot of conversation on the topic. I would like a first hand account from a " GRIZZLED VET "

Jim W

Hope I didn't offend anyone with the "GRIZZLED VET" designation, but I could use some input. I don't mean to seem dense. This is a new topic for me. Any response is welcome. J..

Al Dyer

Originally posted by Jim W:
Would those of you who have passed the registration audit for TS 16949 please provide me with information on where possible problem areas are. We are QS 9000 certified and I have just been notified by Mgt. that we need to make the transition. There appears to be alot of conversation on the topic. I would like a first hand account from a " GRIZZLED VET "

How has management determined that you have to transition to TS-16949?

If you are QS you supply the big 3, they do not require TS, only accept TS as an alternative.

(I do believe in the transition to TS!)
6/25/00 update:

Even more so now, see:


[This message has been edited by Al Dyer (edited 26 June 2001).]

Jim W

Due to European business projections for late 2001, management has requested I begin TS 16949 transition.


Fully vaccinated are you?
Apparently we have some folks who are reluctant to talk here. Some folks out there MUST be transitioning!


I've transitioned. We were registered to TS16949 in June of this year. It's not that hard of a transition, especially since I had VDA included in our Quality System to begin with.

I'll be happy to answer any questions.....:)


Fully vaccinated are you?
Were there any significant changes or did your exiting systems already address most of the issues?


Most of our existing systems addressed TS16949, the biggest gap was in our lab, and upgrading to ISO17025. We had to beef up our Internal Audit procedures for better evidence of process audits, and actually hired a full time process auditor.
It was not that big of a gap to upgrade to TS16949.


Roger Eastin

We are transitioning (we have many sites) and the transition is going suprisingly well. I echo what "Sporty" says: the biggest issues have been ISO17025 and internal audits.
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