Subject: Q: Environmental Impact Of 9000/2000 /Naish
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:35:41 -0600
From: ISO Standards Discussion <[email protected]>
Subject: Q: Environmental Impact Of 9000/2000 /Naish
From: [email protected], [email protected]
While I have been gone and missed some of the discussion on the proposed year 2000 changes to the standard, I read a draft copy today and found myself questioning the impact to our environment of the change. I am wondering how many people have thought about the impact just within their company and would like any responses you may have either direct to me or on this list regarding what I feel is a major attack on our world.
If you look at the draft you will find that they are proposing several things all of which require every paper copy of many of a companies quality system to be thrown out and new ones generated. They did indiacte that we would not need to reformat our document because of the numbering system. And it is appears to be true on the face of it.
However, the flaws I see in the logic stem from the following:
1. If your documents refer to the sections of the standard, all those documents would now be obsolete as the references are incorrect. Only some systems have done this.
2. If you are 9002 (and according to Bill Cox - thanks for the help on this one- 2/3 of the companies world wide are 9002) everywhere you reference 9002 will now need to be changed.
3. And if you thought you were safe because you are 9001 and don't reference each section of the standard, if you reference the standard by its full title rather than just 9001, you too have to change all those document references since the title is being changed as well.
So you are asking what this has to do with the environment? While I have seen a number of systems that are predominately electronic I have yet to visit a company that does not have at least a couple of copies of their documents on paper. Therefore all of the documents which need to be changed for one of the above reasons will need to be replaced.
Additionally, if we say that all documents should correctly cross reference the current revisions of these standards, think of all the thousands of standards that have been produced which refer to the ISO standards and which will also now need to be revised and replaced.
How much landfill are we creating? How many trees do we need to cut down to do this? And if we don't correct the references when the standard is released (as with the thousands of other standards out there) I believe we are creating an unbelievable amount of waste for no value added.
I am not opposed to change but we talk about continuous improvement and waste mangement in one breath and then make these type of changes with no regard to the impact and environment on the other.
Would it not be better to leave the titles as they are? Would it not be better to leave the numbering as it is? I am all for adding some of the changes but can we not work smarter instead of harder and improve our system by adding, deleting, and changing the system within the numbering and titling we have so as to minimize impact to the world?
One of the reasons given for the restructuring was to align with ISO14000. With so few companies having implemented that standard would it not improve the process - to change that standard's numbering instead if a change is needed at all?
As far as aligning with the processes and simplifying the standard, I do not understand how having the requirements for items such as the quality policy, quality planning, and quality records split into several different new sections, is a simplification nor alignment with the processes.
I am for many of the changes but let's work towards something with less environmmental impact.
If you have similar concerns or opposing ideas to help show the reasoning, I'd like to hear from you. Additionally, if you would like to make a difference you might contact your registrar, the registration board for your cert, or for input to the ISO committee try writing to Carol Eddleston: 389 Chiswick High Road; London; W4 4AL
To get a copy of the draft call 0181 996 7000 or fax 0181 996 7001 (this is in London and they are open at 8:30AM their time). You can get a password to down load the draft from the net or have one sent. The cost is 14 pounds British.
Phyllis Naish at [email protected]
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:35:41 -0600
From: ISO Standards Discussion <[email protected]>
Subject: Q: Environmental Impact Of 9000/2000 /Naish
From: [email protected], [email protected]
While I have been gone and missed some of the discussion on the proposed year 2000 changes to the standard, I read a draft copy today and found myself questioning the impact to our environment of the change. I am wondering how many people have thought about the impact just within their company and would like any responses you may have either direct to me or on this list regarding what I feel is a major attack on our world.
If you look at the draft you will find that they are proposing several things all of which require every paper copy of many of a companies quality system to be thrown out and new ones generated. They did indiacte that we would not need to reformat our document because of the numbering system. And it is appears to be true on the face of it.
However, the flaws I see in the logic stem from the following:
1. If your documents refer to the sections of the standard, all those documents would now be obsolete as the references are incorrect. Only some systems have done this.
2. If you are 9002 (and according to Bill Cox - thanks for the help on this one- 2/3 of the companies world wide are 9002) everywhere you reference 9002 will now need to be changed.
3. And if you thought you were safe because you are 9001 and don't reference each section of the standard, if you reference the standard by its full title rather than just 9001, you too have to change all those document references since the title is being changed as well.
So you are asking what this has to do with the environment? While I have seen a number of systems that are predominately electronic I have yet to visit a company that does not have at least a couple of copies of their documents on paper. Therefore all of the documents which need to be changed for one of the above reasons will need to be replaced.
Additionally, if we say that all documents should correctly cross reference the current revisions of these standards, think of all the thousands of standards that have been produced which refer to the ISO standards and which will also now need to be revised and replaced.
How much landfill are we creating? How many trees do we need to cut down to do this? And if we don't correct the references when the standard is released (as with the thousands of other standards out there) I believe we are creating an unbelievable amount of waste for no value added.
I am not opposed to change but we talk about continuous improvement and waste mangement in one breath and then make these type of changes with no regard to the impact and environment on the other.
Would it not be better to leave the titles as they are? Would it not be better to leave the numbering as it is? I am all for adding some of the changes but can we not work smarter instead of harder and improve our system by adding, deleting, and changing the system within the numbering and titling we have so as to minimize impact to the world?
One of the reasons given for the restructuring was to align with ISO14000. With so few companies having implemented that standard would it not improve the process - to change that standard's numbering instead if a change is needed at all?
As far as aligning with the processes and simplifying the standard, I do not understand how having the requirements for items such as the quality policy, quality planning, and quality records split into several different new sections, is a simplification nor alignment with the processes.
I am for many of the changes but let's work towards something with less environmmental impact.
If you have similar concerns or opposing ideas to help show the reasoning, I'd like to hear from you. Additionally, if you would like to make a difference you might contact your registrar, the registration board for your cert, or for input to the ISO committee try writing to Carol Eddleston: 389 Chiswick High Road; London; W4 4AL
To get a copy of the draft call 0181 996 7000 or fax 0181 996 7001 (this is in London and they are open at 8:30AM their time). You can get a password to down load the draft from the net or have one sent. The cost is 14 pounds British.
Phyllis Naish at [email protected]