TS 16949 Implementation Kick Off Promotional Techniques??



TS Promotional Techniques??

Wondering if any of you have done/are planning to do any kind of promotional kick-off kind of thing in your facility in conjunction with your QS or ISO to TS transition? Are you doing anything leading up to the transition, to get people thinking about it?

I did a web search for TS "promotional items" or idea - nada. We're a couple months from plant wide re-training, and I'd kind of like to get something out there to sort of "tease" people, let them know something's coming. Any ideas?


What i´m planning to do at this point is to deploy an extensive campaign of information ( on boards, waivers ) about the date, the assessor´s name, the CB ( case someone doesn´t know ), a relative percentage of how are we doing ( this week we´ll reach 50% covering the standard) and a date countdown so that every day people can say " In 10 days Eduardo Cabrera ( assessor ) will come ".

Hope this gives you a wider vision

Teri - 2011

What we did was to start early, (audit is scheduled for Oct. Started in June with promoting to all employees).
I was forunate that I was given a "budget" amount to work with. In June we handed out to every employee (750) a frisbee that had TS16949 on it, along with our company logo. Along with starting a basic understanding of TS training course given to each employee.
July we handed out canvas bags with the same thing on it.
August it was a candy bar with the quality policy.
This month we are doing mugs with the company goals on them.

Doesn't sound like much, but when a operator sees something different (TS2) they actually asked, which allowed us to explain.

Just thought I would share our ideas.

Good luck!!


Oh, Teri, I like that concept! Nice.... now I'll have to go see if I can get some $$$$! THANKS!

Randy Lefferts

SteelWoman said:
Wondering if any of you have done/are planning to do any kind of promotional kick-off kind of thing in your facility in conjunction with your QS or ISO to TS transition? Are you doing anything leading up to the transition, to get people thinking about it?

I did a web search for TS "promotional items" or idea - nada. We're a couple months from plant wide re-training, and I'd kind of like to get something out there to sort of "tease" people, let them know something's coming. Any ideas?

One thing we learned from our design center was that the cb questioned 20% of their employees on whether they knew the Quality Policy. That seems to be a significant item with the cb's, whether the employees know the Quality Policy, whether they know that they are part of a process, and that we do the things we do due to customer requirements. So we made a "presentation" covering all this and as silly as some thought it was, it is something that everyone will remember, so we succeeded.

What we did was order some balloons printed with various snipets from our quality policy, "Never ending improvement", "Premier Supplier", "Exceed customer expectations".

We created a company, the "Happy Face Balloon Corporation" who used the above snipets as part of their Quality Policy.

We created a list of Customer Requirements:

• Blown up balloons, tied with a ten inch string,
• A smiley face on balloon, opposite lettering,
• A lot id sticker on top of the balloon,
• 5 Balloons per box, one color.

Then we identified process steps for the production of the balloons.

• Receiving Inspection
• Material Handler
• Balloon Inflator
• Balloon Tie-er
• Happy Face Artist
• Sticker Applicator
• Inspector
• Packer
• Shipping

Now, at each employee meeting (we have 6 per month, 2 per shift, to capture all employees) we assembled the attendees into groups and each had a step (noted above) in the overall process. We had balloons delivered to the front of the room and sent them through the various processes ending up with the packaged balloons ready for loading on the truck.

Now, some people snickered and laughed, others were like "Puhhhlllleaazzee" and yet others asked "is this balloon blown up to within spec?" or "Is this happy face large enough?"

Some of the "serious" employees (the "puhhllleeaazzee" crowd) can't remember what they had for supper 2 nights ago, but they sure can remember our quality policy, their part in the process of providing happy face balloons to the customer and what requirements are. So I think we succeeded. ;)

On a different note, before we went through our ISO 14001 audit, we ordered water bottles for all employees. On the bottle, we had our Environmental Policy "cartoonized" and again, they still remember what "POP, WAG, ROW" stands for:

Prevention Of Pollution,
Water, Air, Ground,
Reduction Of Waste,
Let's keep our environment sound!

So this was a bit of a different promo, but it worked as intended. The environmental policy is known throughout ;)

ISO Cheesy

Randy Lefferts said:
On a different note, before we went through our ISO 14001 audit, we ordered water bottles for all employees. On the bottle, we had our Environmental Policy "cartoonized" and again, they still remember what "POP, WAG, ROW" stands for:

Prevention Of Pollution,
Water, Air, Ground,
Reduction Of Waste,
Let's keep our environment sound!

So this was a bit of a different promo, but it worked as intended. The environmental policy is known throughout ;)

I really like that one, I could even remember that! :)
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