Turtle Diagram "template"


New, don't hurt me
I had a director that was color blind. They sensitized me to use high-contrast colors in presentations and training materials.


This is what i was hoping to foster! So, I think i'll slightly modify and call my document attached a flow chart. I will break off each section and turtle them. More to report later.

Cari Spears

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Super Moderator

This is what i was hoping to foster! So, I think i'll slightly modify and call my document attached a flow chart. I will break off each section and turtle them. More to report later.
That is exactly what I did. We have an over all process interaction diagram, and then each process has their own turtle(ish) diagram.


Trusted Information Resource

I thought it would be a nice way to show how the inputs and outputs link together, but alright. I am trying to show how the organization interacts. I've got a strong push from production to explain through turtle diagrams how the company works. This was their suggestion. I'm open for debate!

thanks for the flowchart tool also.
That is how our system originated. Each process had a turtle. We added arrows in and out, so you could lay them on a conference table and make a virtual process map. Worked well until we got an auditor who wasn't smart enough to figure it out.


Quite Involved in Discussions
are the inputs and outputs similar from turtle diagram to process map?
Yes from a certain point of view. The process map highlights our PEARS which we have a turtle for each pear, each turtle having the head tail and four limbs. The head the input, tail the output and Who, What How and Measures/Monitoring the limbs.
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