I don't get these statements at all! $14K for a 3 day audit? Are you serious?
And I really don't get the statement about registrars doing process audits either! Do you know that CBs don't have to have RAB trained auditors? What's more, some of them have been doing process based audits since certification audits started as you'll know, back in the late 80s!
I'm really dismayed when I read that people have created a system to suit a particular auditor - not the CB - but one auditor who spends just a couple of days looking at your system. Maybe you'd also share with us what your management and personnel think about your system...
Do you, incidentally, do this kind of thing for other suppliers? Take raw materials in the quantities they want to ship, for example, not what you need for production? Take the grade which is cheapest for them to produce, not what you need for effective product? I'm interested why you'd bend over to make it easy for one and not do the same for others...
Yep serious. Add in travel expenses, report fees, prep fees, etc. I should mention that it was aerospace, so that was for a dual certificate (more fees).
As for the rest, as I've now stated twice, if the internal system is set-up so that users don't need the document number to function, then it is easier in my opinion to make the ties back to the standard. This will facilitate a smooth registration audit - which IS in my company's best interests.
As for other suppliers, sure. If they are an important enough source i would work with them to make their life easier as along as it doesn't interfere with our quality, operations, timeline, etc. It's called partnering. Not to mention if they are a sole source supplier in which case yes, I'll take whatever they want to give me. In government work for aerospace if they say that you must buy widgets from company A, you do. And if company A only sells them in quantities of 10,000; then that's what you buy. Even when you only need 25 to fill an order. The world definitely is a funny place. And not always ha-ha funny.
My apologies regarding the 9001:2009 error. I use AS9100 rev. C