Use of Octupus and Turtle Diagrams in ISO 9000:2000 Internal Auditing



has anyone heard anything regarding the use of octupus and turtle diagrams as an aid to conducting internal audits?

Bill Ryan - 2007

lissa said:
has anyone heard anything regarding the use of octupus and turtle diagrams as an aid to conducting internal audits?
I tried to email you back but "you weren't receiving". So we'll have to continue here, for now. There really is a wealth of info at this thread for you to decide if it entails anything "new" for your needs. Basically the octopus and turtle diagrams are rehashes of tools that have been around for quite a while. The slight twist your auditor might throw at you is that your current flow diagrams, etc., may not show the interaction of your processes or may not "show" your customer focus clearly enough.

Hope this helps,


Part II

As a belated note: I've seen a growing number of folks that use the process diagram as the basis for auditing. They either build their checklists off the diagram, or they use the diagram ILO a checklist. Either of which can make sense if done properly.


Turtles and Octopussy

As some posts remark, this stuff is old hat. Its not even animal magic. However, it is used in the Third Party Auditor Qualification Training for TS 16949:2002. A much better process auditing tool is available at ** DEAD LINK REMOVED ***
The Turtle is still a clause based auditing tool whereas Auditor Questions is based on process management principles.


howste said:
ILO = in lieu of?

Sorry, I missed this. You are correct howste. I'm glad you answered it. I can't spell lieu, that's why I use ILO. :eek:


Pennington said:
The Turtle is still a clause based auditing tool .

I would tend to disagree. My first experience with the Turtle was to look at processes to find sources of Process Variation (thanks to Crosby). It had nothing to do with auditing, and in fact, I knew nothing about ISO at the time (some still wonder). The Turtle diagram is based on the process. It shows process inputs, outputs and factors. There is nothing about the clauses in a Turtle Diagram. Unless of course, we are using the same label on two separate things. :confused:
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