Regarding the questions about verifiying the wiki: I haven't seen any answers and I am curious how those using a wiki already (and specifically Confluence with JIRA) have validated the tools.
We are using Confluence, JIRA, Bitbucket, and Bamboo (all Atlassian tools). We are at the beginning of our product development so everything is new and we can set things up as we wish. To give Confluence a try, I set up templates for customer requirements overview and use case pages and a JIRA workflow for status/approval. Owners of pages assign a JIRA document issue to the page. That issue is updated to various statuses and the final stage is approval which I automated through the workflow tool (took some doing as we only have Confluence OnDemand so no nice plugins for e-sig).
Besides wondering how to validate it other than setting up a dummy wiki for testing, would anyone who has JIRA/Confluence be willing to take a look at my workflow and poke holes in it from a regulatory/standards view?
And, for those wondering how we are going to capture the design nad records for a specific release, we are putting everything into one "space" and copying then archiving it at release.
This thread gives me hope I can put all the QMS items into Confluence, too. Just want to make sure Confluence/JIRA can be easily validated for use.
Thank you!
S. Schoepel