A lot of our Customer Service Engineer's are not allowed internet access on site due to extremely high security of our customers. Do you know of a good offline feature that could allow the downloading of docs? Do Wikis offer this? I would like to stay away from the downloading of a doc because then it could possibly be old. Not to mention some techs do not know what procedures they need until on site, so VPNing to get a doc is not really possible. I know this situation is somewhat unique but there has to be a solution out there (I'm looking into the G Suite option and it seems that Docs/Drive has an offline feature...but I know this is a Wiki thread!!
I'm not sure I understand. If the engineers don't know what they will need, wouldn't offline browsing require downloading the whole wiki? Wikis might not offer this feature directly, but it seems an easy, if a bit impractical, requirement. Copy the whole terabyte of a database? Small portable disks can easily hold that several times over.
Any time you copy from the wiki (or any other repository of your system's documents, such as G Suite), be it the whole thing or only a document, you've created either an uncontrolled copy or a record. Make sure your personnel know how to handle to avoid misuse.
We often work at remote construction sites without internet. With or without internet, though, as part of our deliverables to the client, we prepare an "installation manual" that contains all procedures that are anticipated to be required at the site. But the procedures are copies or even adaptations of the live ones in our QMS. Once delivered, such manual is a record of the project. The live procedure may continue to improve in the wiki, but the record stays as it was delivered or approved, except when specifically revised through an agreed upon change. And despite it perhaps being not the most current info, the record is what we use at the subject site.