VDA 6.1 - 3.1 Internal Audit Requirements vs. QS-9000 IA Requirements



what is EOQ?

must the internal (quality,process, product)auditor be trained outside our company?
does any body know some information about what is the qualification of the internal auditor per the requirement of QMC?
What is the difference on the internal auditor between qs9000 and vda6.1?somebody in IQM tole me the requirement is not same.vda need outside trained internasl auditor certificated by vda-qmc.?????

Roger Eastin

I don't know what EOQ means. I looked through the manual, but I didn't see it. Internal auditors can be trained internally. As I see it, there isn't a requirement to be trained outside your company. Skill for internal auditors are listed in VDA6, but they seem to follow general auditor guidelines contained in ISO10011.

Rick Goodson

I do not know what the reference in the VDA is, but in my past life in purchasing it was 'Economic Order Quantity' and was used as the reorder point for materials.


Fully vaccinated are you?
The QS folks were (are still?) pushing for internal auditors to be 'certified' by an ASQC scheme I believe - but in QS it is not a specific requirement. As I understand it, Roger is right - external training is not a requirement.


VDA requires much more then QS does, talking about (internal) auditing. I'm now setting up an internal training for internal auditors. I have followed a training Internal Auditing / QS9000 and VDA 6.1 and I've been trained in 6 Sigma at GE Plastics. Because of these trainings I'm allowed to train new internal auditors. Problem is that concerning VDA 6.1 the (by me)trained people still are not allowed to audit because they have to prove that they are trained / experienced in quality technics and quality management. I have discussed it with the auditor because I don't want to be surprised later but he admitted that this is a problem. The requirements of VDA are tough, very tough and not realistic I think. A lot of (smaller) companies will have problems to comply with these requirements. I'm curious how the certified bodies this will handle.
Interesting to read in TS16949 (clause 4.17.3): 'the supplier shall comply with customer requirements for internal system and proces auditor qualification'. It seems to give more air to breath. So the problem can be solved within three years?


QS9000 Ele 4.17 Note 21 states that "Guidance on quality system audits is given in ISO 10011."
ISO 10011 is made up of three parts,one of which is titled "qualification criteria for quality systems auditors", ISO 10011-2.
While it does not suggest external training is a requirement it leads one to believe that at least one person should have the training and experience necessary to conduct an audit. This person would then also have the skills necesary to train internal auditors.

After reading this ISO 10011, we might ask ourselves; do any of us have the "right stuff" to be an auditor?
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