Veterans Day - 11 November 2014


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I went to the Victorville Veterans Day parade. I talked with another vet who opened my eyes. He termed it Happy Brothers Day. In truth, is a day to show appreciation and yet he is correct. As Veterans (including the families), it is a family. A very large family I will give you, but a family. I also had the privilege of meeting and getting pictures with three of the Tuskegee Airmen! These heroes paid so much for all of us! They humble me. Happy Brothers and Sisters Day!

Now, all we veterans appreciate the thanks of everyone here in Elsmar and elsewhere, but also the much broader appreciation that has been shared. In case anyone wants some practical examples of how to show their appreciation beyond the thank you, I respectfully offer just a few examples. If you know a veteran and/or veteran family that is struggling, as many are, bring them a bag of groceries. Cut their grass and refuse any gratuity. If you know a homeless vet - and there are many - take them and feed them. Your local VA office can help find one if you don't know one. Finally, just listen to them. If you are privileged enough to know a WASP or Tuskegee Airman, a CG'er who was on icebreaker or Aleutian duty, or any of so many others, listen to them. Let your kids listen to them. You will learn FAR more about the sacrifices necessary to defend Liberty, and about honor, than you ever thought possible.
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