Mike S. said:
I'm too young to know much about the WWII warbirds, but I remember my Dad pointing out Mustangs, Corsairs, Spitfires, Lightnings, B-17's, B-29's and some Mitchell plane I don't recall in movies and telling me about them when I was young. He played with those as toys as a boy during WWII. He got to see a B-17 at an airshow recently and really loved it. I'd like to take him to a good old plane airshow, but he won't fly to get there (afraid to fly)!!! Kinda ironic.
But for a young pup like me (30-something), I gotta say the SR-71 Blackbird is my favorite plane. So d*mn fast it outruns bullets and missles? Still the fastest plane ever a few decades after introduction? Flies over 15 miles up? Gotta love that!
One goal before I die is to go supersonic (or almost, if over land) in a fighter jet. Maybe one of those MIG's I've read about. If I ever get the $ and the guts! I envy those TV guys who get to go up in Tomcats or Eagles or with the stunt teams for promotional rides!
Mike S.
As far as being young and loving the old warbirds, I was born in '55, well after most of these planes had been retired.
You shouldn't need to fly to get to an airshow they are all over. do a search on the internet.
SR-71 is a beauty. And a technical wonder. Sure can't argue that.