Websites that changed the Internet


Fully vaccinated are you?
<snip> How does quantcast know/tabulate demographics?
I have no idea what algorithms/criteria they use, but I'm sure it's like Google's AdSense where they track where people go and make *assumptions* from that information.

Not too long back Google, for instance, started what they call 'visitor interest' ads or something to that effect. They used to serve ads based upon the content (as best they can tell) of each web page. They still do that, but in addition they serve ads that their tracking indicates a person is interested in. Geo-location targeting is also used so someone visiting here from, say, Britain will see different ads than someone from the US.

I'm not a person who worries about 'privacy' as to places I browse on the internet, but I know some people don't like that aspect of the internet these days. Bottom line is unless one wants to go through some pains to use an anonymizer or Tor, they will be tracked. Even if one does use an anonymizer or Tor I'm not convinced tracking isn't possible.

Just like having a cell phone - Unless the battery is removed you have to *assume* that your cell phone is leaving a train of where you've been. In fact, there was recently a study that showed that using cell phone data people's movements can be predicted to a high degree. In a study published in Science, researchers examined customer location data culled from cellular service providers. By looking at how customers moved around, the authors of the study found that it may be possible to predict human movement patterns and location up to 93 percent of the time.

The times, they are a changin'.

Keith Childers

Another website that has changed the internet for good, or for bad:

I Can Has Cheezburger - because now it seems like you can't go anywhere on the internet without seeing a picture of a cat in a cute pose with oddly misspelled captions.


We may have passed the Dancing Hamsters days...

Doo do de dat de dat do doot, de dat do doot do ,doodleoodleoodle de dat doo doot do... I've been scarred for life :mg:.

Let's not forget some of the early search engines... There was a time before Google outshone the rest. I remember a time when there were only about 7 primary search engines out there and none of them worked that well. And one of my favorites websites from about 15 or so years ago, the original WebRing. A lot has changed in my lifetime; I can only imagine what things will be like after another 20 years..


Did you mention the and
Shoping has changed forever. Wow!!


I don't know which site it was but the first porno website HAD to have changed the internet......:bonk:

I would bet that this subject matter is the most viewed on the net of any other subject matter..... unfortunately.


Fully vaccinated are you?
I don't know which site it was but the first porno website HAD to have changed the internet......:bonk:

I would bet that this subject matter is the most viewed on the net of any other subject matter..... unfortunately.
It is. Haven't looked lately but searches with "sex" in them have been the top search phrases for a long time.

Per-internet, and not a web site per se, but I remember all the porn they had. Now those were the Wild West days where just about "anything goes". I had a BBS online back in 1987 on an Amiga 1000. It didn't have porn, but it was fun.

Wikipedia reference-linkRusty_n_Edie's_BBS
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