My clients struggle with Context the most, usually because the organization's business plan has never been available to the Management Rep. and silos still exist. Everywhere I go, people are overthinking this requirement as well as that of risk.The consultant we are using tells me that his clients struggle most with the Context of the Organization and how to link that to having a strategic plan of some kind and how to change the quality management system to implement the plan. They say the auditors who are doing the upgrade audits aren't hardly spending any time on that, but write up calibration and other things they've seen in previous visits.
A friend recently attended a quality conference and one of the speakers said that the Certification Body audit findings data didn't come close to addressing the product quality issues in their industry. I think Mr. Vianna posted a chart which showed that the #1 Major finding was auditor training.
We are exhorted to look out for the end customers' interests and the subject of calibration is still poorly misunderstood (no thanks to the scarcity and obscurity of good references on the subject) so I do still write the majority of my action requests on calibration requirements, usually involving follow up for OOT gauges.
I have been writing fewer document control action requests lately, and more OFIs based on the widely perpetuated idea that every scrap of paper the organization uses must be under formal document control.