What are your 'Quality Objectives'?

What are your 'Quality Objectives'?

  • PROFIT: Increase profit

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • REVENUE: Increase revenue / build market share

    Votes: 18 24.3%
  • COMPLAINTS: Reduce number (or % or $) of complaints

    Votes: 43 58.1%
  • INVENTORY: Increase inventory turns / reduce inventory

    Votes: 12 16.2%
  • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: Increase customer satisfaction / loyalty

    Votes: 58 78.4%
  • DEFECTS: Reduce product defects & failures / Decrease rework or returns

    Votes: 42 56.8%
  • EMPLOYEES: Decrease employee turnover / improve employee competencies

    Votes: 20 27.0%
  • SPEED: Decrease lead time of product / improve on-time performance

    Votes: 14 18.9%
  • COSTS: Reduce costs / remove waste

    Votes: 33 44.6%
  • INNOVATION: Increase innovation / new products

    Votes: 12 16.2%
  • SAFETY: Improve safety performance

    Votes: 21 28.4%
  • EFFICIENCY: Improve operating efficiency

    Votes: 32 43.2%
  • PROCESS CAPABILITY: Improve process capability / reduce variability

    Votes: 29 39.2%

    Votes: 14 18.9%

  • Total voters


Howdy, folks:

I had an idea for an interesting poll. What are the most common 'quality objectives'? Of course, you might not call them quality objectives, but everybody here has some kind of measurables that they're tracking and trying to improve. I was a little constrained by the fact that the poll could only accomodate 14 choices, but I tried to consolidate the most common ones I see, though. Thanks to Al Dyer for inspiring this discussion.



Change Agent and Data Storyteller
Super Moderator
I was a little constrained by the fact that the poll could only accomodate 14 choices, but I tried to consolidate the most common ones I see, though.

Okay, you're probably working on it as I type this...but there is no poll associated with this thread. If you are unable to include a poll, let a Moderator know what 14 options are and s/he should be able to add it in for you.



The forum publishes the discussion before the poll is completed. It should be there now! Thanks for your help.




Yes, absolutely. The poll is set-up to accept multiple votes. Thanks for taking part.



Change Agent and Data Storyteller
Super Moderator
My company has 11 core business objectives and my site and 6 additional ones for a total of 17 here at my location. While they do not match the items in the poll word-for-word, I've selected the ones that closely resemble what we have, as well as other, for we have also included objectives related to the Environment.


Super Moderator
Craig, I listed the ones that apply for us (you of course know who I work for).

I just went over this as part of my annual performance thingy


Not out of the crisis
Super Moderator
I'm getting set for our first real management review here, ever, and chose the four things I will be pushing as Management Representative.
They would be: Employees, Efficiency, Safety, Customer Satisfaction.



This is a little off-topic, but do you have a tool to record the results of your first management review? If not, let me know and I'll post one.



Not out of the crisis
Super Moderator

This is a little off-topic, but do you have a tool to record the results of your first management review? If not, let me know and I'll post one.


I was just going to take minutes and create a report based on the agenda I'm making, but if you have a pre-made tool I'd be very appreciative.
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