What do I have to include in a document database for document control?



What do I have to include on a document database for document control please? Do I need direct links to each and every document, etc? Thank you for any reply.

Al Dyer

If you are using microsoft Access and can tell which version you are using I can send you an example.

If you can expand further about the details of your current document conrol systems I can give you a better answer.



Minimum Requirements:
2-Revision status;
4-Evidence that invalid/obsolete documents
have been removed;
5-Identification of obsolete documents retained for knowledge preservstion, if required.
1-You may want to include customer data in the same database;
2-You may also want to include the document and data change history in your database.

And don't forget "and be readily available to preclude the use of . . . .

Al Dyer


Don't hold me to the new ISO9k2k but for QS and TS there are no requirements for a database or master document list.

Saying that, I have always believed in keeping a document database that can generate a master report of current document revisions. My personal preference is an MS Access database designed for the specific needs of the individual company. (That is why I asked for more details on your current system)

By using Access I can generate reports that include:

Document Number
Document Revision
Document Revision Date
Document Approvals
Document Change Requests
Document Changes
Who Approved Document Changes
What The Change Was
New Revision Level
Distribution Lists
Obsolete Document Retrieval List
Current Document Status
Hyperlinks To Related Documents
Document Ownership
Revision History
Yearly Verification (outside specs)
Retention Requirements
Disposal Verification

The list goes on......

The general requirements are set forth in the text of the manuals, be creative and make it seamless for your organization.


[This message has been edited by Al Dyer (edited 22 May 2001).]


Thanks Al and Sam for your replies. My current document control is really at it's early stages and it does not have to conform to ISO etc. What I have simply done, is to set up folders on our server and for the projects we are undertaking in the office, all correspondance, drawings, emails etc. go into these relevant folders and are available for viewing purposes to the general staff. I will scan in any hard copies and when the project is complete, I will then convert all files into PDF (if there's a real need).

Access 2000 is the version I use if you have any samples to forward.

Thanks again. Sorry for the delay in replying.

[This message has been edited by AnnaMarie (edited 23 May 2001).]


Hi AnnaMarie,

Good discussion;
w.r.t. the database; to facilitate changes i am seeking a method to show the relationship to higher and lower documents, preferably in the database for "one-stop-shopping". Some Product data management software packages do this, but I am looking for a simple method (cheap=keep boss happy...) without cluttering up the database page with lots of hyperlink fields.
Can anyone offer some suggestions?
Thanks and a big :D in advance!

(I am being inventive but gosh this one has me stumped! :eek: )



How do you produce evidence that obsolete documents have been destroyed? They're gone. Are we saying that we have to have something in writing that says on 0/00/00 we destroyed an obsolete document? I never heard of such a thing. I think the evidence is the lack of evidence to the contrary.



I can agree with that. If it works for your process that's fine.
The requirement is "Control shall ensure that invalid and/or obsolete documents are promptly removed . . . "
Lack of evidence of an invalid/obsolete document only means that it is not in its assigned location. It culd be in a drawer or tool box.

However, what we do, to be on the safe side, is to request that the existing document be returned to the document control clerk when a revision is issued. The DC clerk follows up within a three day period to ensure that the required documents have been returned.
Is it 100% effective?Probably not, but then again . . .


I agree. Our procedure states that QA, me, assures that revised documents are to be returned to QA for disposal or archives. We also will include a acknowledgement sheet that states procedures, affected sheets, etc..that are to be replaced. I have actually had the wrong pages removed and replaced. This check allows you to see that this has not happened. I was just confused regarding "evidence" that obsolete documents were, in fact, destroyed or archived. Archived was easy. Thanks for the reply.

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