What do you do if everything, your work, is criticized? Any new idea thrown aside? Not being in the loop for communications regarding customer issues

Seems like ever since the new regime has taken over morale has dropped. I get criticized for including stakeholder in e-mails regarding customer, quality. process control topics. They don't want to hear what I have to say in meetings. I've been here 10 years and have over 30 years in quality, yet they do not want to follow procedures or lie to customers on issues. I guess it is time to go but new employers don't want to hire people in their sixties. I now know why Dr. Demings was so bitter at the end of his life. American Leadership sucks or doesn't exist anymore.
Dan --- I just got out of a situation like that. They brought in a "leader" who was not a leader. He even said --- if we make it tough, the weak will quit. WHAT!?!
I found a different organization who appreciates me --- going on 6 months here. I should have done it long ago. It's all about how you market yourself. People in their 60's make great contractors for organizations that need improvement.


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This is very unfortunate and I'm sorry you have had such a bad time of it. For reasons I may never understand, God made me good at quality and I have always found success. But my last company (who's product is, ironically, sold primarily to old people) started eliminating older people from their quality team. This was primarily due to the actions one (younger) individual who was given more authority than his maturity warranted. I saw the writing on the wall and left voluntarily on my own terms and landed with my current company that wanted me precisely because I was older and had decades of experience. So I will be wanted here until I retire, which isn't all that far off now.
Thank you for the kind words. It does feel a bit like my main contribution to my current position is experience. So far I have been working on a redo of their QMS. So maybe this one will work out.
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