It's also not a problem solving approach or method - it's a method for reporting the results in a single page. Honda has used this approach for years for reports to management. It can make report outs in large rooms using a projector quite humorous if you're not sitting in the front!
you will still need to use teh appropriate problem solving method(s) as dictated by the Problem...which may be many pages and files depending on the complexity of the Problem, you just get one A3 sized piece of paper to summarize your the way, companies like GE etc. use a similar report style for management report outs. They are called "4-Ups"
No magic to A3.
you will still need to use teh appropriate problem solving method(s) as dictated by the Problem...which may be many pages and files depending on the complexity of the Problem, you just get one A3 sized piece of paper to summarize your the way, companies like GE etc. use a similar report style for management report outs. They are called "4-Ups"
No magic to A3.