What is the meaning of performance? Is ISO 9004 the guideline for improvement?



What is the meaning of performance? ISO 9004 is the guidelines for performance improvement. Is it the competency? Is it the capability? Is it the ability?


Quite Involved in Discussions
the 94 standard has been considered a conformance standard. the 00 is considered a performance standard based on continual improvement and data analysis.


Can we call performance the competence or ability or capability?

Is the performance is doing duty, doing what we committed?

Then, what does the performance difference from the operation and implementation?:(


Fully vaccinated are you?
Any other definitions for Performance in this context?

I got this from Merriam-Webster Online:

Main Entry: per·for·mance
Pronunciation: p&(r)-'for-m&n(t)s
Function: noun
1 a : the execution of an action b : something accomplished : DEED, FEAT
2 : the fulfillment of a claim, promise, or request : IMPLEMENTATION
3 a : the action of representing a character in a play b : a public presentation or exhibition - a benefit performance
4 a : the ability to perform : EFFICIENCY b : the manner in which a mechanism performs - engine performance
5 : the manner of reacting to stimuli : BEHAVIOR
6 : the linguistic behavior of an individual : PAROLE; also : the ability to speak a certain language -- compare COMPETENCE

I then took a swipe at Wordsmyth:


Pronunciation - pEr for mEns

Definition 1. a particular entertainment presented before an audience.
Synonyms - play, presentation, show, opera, concert , drama, production (4)
Crossref. Syn. - theatrical , rendition , act
Similar Words - stand , piece , recital , entertainment , engagement

Definition 2. the act of performing.
Synonyms - fulfillment, doing , achievement, execution, accomplishment
Crossref. Syn. - commission
Similar Words - satisfaction , consummation , exercise , completion

Definition 3. way of working or functioning.
Example - The car's performance is mediocre.
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