Any other definitions for Performance in this context?
I got this from Merriam-Webster Online:
Main Entry: per·for·mance
Pronunciation: p&(r)-'for-m&n(t)s
Function: noun
1 a : the execution of an action b : something accomplished : DEED, FEAT
2 : the fulfillment of a claim, promise, or request : IMPLEMENTATION
3 a : the action of representing a character in a play b : a public presentation or exhibition - a benefit performance
4 a : the ability to perform : EFFICIENCY b : the manner in which a mechanism performs - engine performance
5 : the manner of reacting to stimuli : BEHAVIOR
6 : the linguistic behavior of an individual : PAROLE; also : the ability to speak a certain language -- compare COMPETENCE
I then took a swipe at Wordsmyth:
Pronunciation - pEr for mEns
Definition 1. a particular entertainment presented before an audience.
Synonyms - play, presentation, show, opera, concert , drama, production (4)
Crossref. Syn. - theatrical , rendition , act
Similar Words - stand , piece , recital , entertainment , engagement
Definition 2. the act of performing.
Synonyms - fulfillment, doing , achievement, execution, accomplishment
Crossref. Syn. - commission
Similar Words - satisfaction , consummation , exercise , completion
Definition 3. way of working or functioning.
Example - The car's performance is mediocre.