A Repackager is a Manufacturer per 21CFR 820.3, and is responsible for 21CFR 820.80, 820.90, 820.130, 820.140, 820.150, 820.160, 820.180, 820.186 and 820.198, and possibly other sections. This will entail all the usual records.
In particular, a repackager is responsible for the new packaging adequately assuring that the device reaches the end user without impairment by the distribution process. Whether this assurance requires a little documentation or a lot will depend on the nature of the device.
My personal view would be that if the device may be impaired by a distribution or storage condition, the packaging should be validated for the appropriate distribution cycle and for storage conditions, and this of course would result in fairly extensive documentation of how you package and the results of the validation process.
A Relabeler also is a Manufacturer, and obviously is subject to 21CFR 820.120.
As a Relabeler, certainly you must have documentation of who is the physical maker; and I think it's implied that you must document how the device was labeled before you relabeled it, because the prior labeling is your only supporting evidence for any instructions for use, directions, precautions or other information on the label for which you are not the originator of that information.
In general, you are not required to keep "copies" of records for which the physical maker or another party that is upstream from you in the device creation process is regulatorily responsible, as long as you have adequate documentation of who that upstream party is and how they can be reached. You on the other hand are responsible for whatever information may be wanted/needed by FDA or another regulatory party regarding downstream activities, i.e. post market information, distribution records, complaints, etc.