What the AIAG manual says about the frequency of MSA - Measurement system analysis


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Re: What the AIAG manual says about the frequency of MSA - Measurement system analysi

I have not found a gage R&R frequency - because if performed correctly there should be no frequency. The function of gage R&R is to determine if the gage is appropriate for the characteristic. The time function comes into play with calibration, stability, etc.

However, that being said, some customers have determined they will demand a gage R&R frequency. One of two reasons can be their basis : 1) they are clueless about the point of gage R&R or 2) the have found that people have changes in their gage system (change to gage, level of operator experience, etc.) and don't bother to validate those changes with a gage R&R. I have seen CSRs with annual gage R&R. SMH.


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Re: What the AIAG manual says about the frequency of MSA - Measurement system analysi

I have never seen a frequency either. I agree with Bob. Unless you have changed the measurement system (e.g., gage, procedure, etc.), or are applying it in a different manner, there is no need to repeat it.
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