just MHO
OK---I feel the need to jump in on this...
But let me say first, that i don't know jack about the new standard, and I hope my company abandons (sp) the whole ISO charade before our cert expires....so here I go....
What is ISO9k...any version. It is a QUALITY system standard. Subjects such as REDACTED harrasment policies, HazMat communication programs, safety issues, etc. are already well covered by the applicable overseeing governmental agencies (i.e. EEO, OSHA, EPA, etc., etc., etc.). So why can't we stick to the issue at hand. The requirements are for an enviroment to assure product conformity. I agree with Jim's view, that it depends on the enviroment. But to include things such as REDACTED harrasment policies and issues of temperature (where temperature does not effect product) is ridiculus (sp). Unless the goal is to squeeze out all the little guys because we don't have the resources to keep on top of these issues when they are already covered in other areas (as they should be).
Ok...off the box for now.