When did you first use what we call E-Mail (aka email) today?



My very first e-mail experience was in 1980 on my friend's home made PC. I got more involved on a daily basis at work in the late 1980's and at home in the early 1990's on the old dial up connections (so glad I don't have to deal with the dial-up phone connections anymore). I even added a second phone line to my house back in the mid 1990's so I could have one line dedicated to internet access and e-mail.

Of course, my first personal computer was a TI99/4A... then a Commodore 64, followed by a Commodore 128... and several more upgrades since then.


My first email was at work in 1999. When I moved to the Quality Work-In-Process Inspector (when I first got into Quality!) position, I got an office and a computer, and had internal-only email.

The following year, 2000, my best friend (who is a computer nerd to this day) gave me an older computer he'd built from spare parts, with Windows 95 on it, and told me to go to Walmart and get an AOL disc. By that time, I was the only one in the band without email, and was missing a bunch of correspondences between them. I used that thing for a loooong time (still have it in storage). Finally replaced it with an XP machine (which I also still have), which was replaced about three years ago by my current laptop.


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1981. I was a kid poking around on BBS being yelled at for tying up the one house phone at 1200 baud.

(My kid stuff was CRITICAL, I tell you, CRITICAL. I needed those POKE and PEEK codes. Mom, you can just WALK to the neighbors).

I remember damaging a TSR-80 with the Poke and Peek codes. I decided to find out what happens when you write a BASIC program that called for random Poke codes. I learned a lot with that program, mostly 'don't randomly generate codes that you don't know the result of'.


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Circa '96 as well, first in an entry level AOL world and then almost immediately in an employment setting. This was around the time I bought my first computer, a hopped-up 486.

That was one hot machine.You should have seen how many fish that processor could support on the screen saver.


Looking for Reality
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I remember damaging a TSR-80 with the Poke and Peek codes.

Ahhh...the good old TRaSh-80's.
My first computer programming adventures with accidental endless loop subroutines and floppy disks that were actually floppy.

Always connects in my mind to the game "Dig-Dug" somehow.
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