Do any of you work with outside processing? Anodize, Chemfilm? We usually ship a new AS9102 every time we make the same part again. We are trying to get away from sending a BRAND NEW as9102. How do you usually handle this? Do you ship a copy of the AS9102 that was first used? Does a partial or new as9102 every time we get new parts chemfilmed or anodize?
Unless your customer requires it - the first time after the first product is complete and your process is working.
or as per AS9102b - Paragraph 4.6
f. The organization shall perform a full FAI or a partial FAI for affected characteristics, when any of the following occurs:
1. A change in the design characteristics affecting fit, form, or function of the part.
2. A change in manufacturing source(s), process(es), inspection method(s), location of manufacture, tooling, or materials that can potentially affect fit, form, or function.
3. A change in numerical control program or translation to another media that can potentially affect fit, form, or function.
4. A natural or man-made event, which may adversely affect the manufacturing process.
5. An implementation of corrective action required to complete a previous FAI, as described in 4.4.
6. A lapse in production for two years shall require an update for any characteristics that may be impacted by the inactivity. This lapse is from the completion of last production operation to the actual restart of production.