You can get one from BSI or CEEM. I don't have the web addresses handy, but you can get links from the RAB web page. Look under either the Registrar or Training Provider directories. You will need 18001 & 18002.
Marc, I have tried to find it and have been unsuccessful. My computer is on a slim line and I have to forward some things to the IS people to open and print. They normally save it but have ceased to do it. I will continue to try to find where I got it from.
It's being adopted by quite a few organizations as an add on to their 14K programs. The US under the AIHA is actively involved in developing a similar standard. There are some issues with the 18K standard that bother some folks because of the "awareness" it brings about existing conditions. What people fail to accept is that having a program in place doesn't increase your liabilities as an employer. All employers are automatically required to know and are supposed to know about all things anyway.
Might be worth noting that you cannot get an accredited third party certificate for OHSAS 18001 in the UK, dont know if this is also true in the US.
I think this is because it is not a recognised national or international standard, but something that has been created by interested parties (certification bodies !!) to fill a gap in their market.
Given that OHSAS 18001 is a BSI document, who else but the British would be offering certification to it anyway. (And I'm struggling to believe you can't be OHSAS 18001 certified in the UK, given what the BSI website says)
Better off opting for DNV's ISIR or some other internationally applied system, perhaps.
You can get certified but it wont be an accredited certificate. In the UK that means you wont be able to display the UKAS logo in addition to the certifiers logo.
Which basically reduces the credibility of the certificate somewhat as there is no-one independantly checking the checkers (if you know what I mean). Dont know how this applies in the states.
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