Working with the Big Three



Big Three

This one is for the direct suppliers to thge BIG THREE.

Do you feel your overall working style and the operating efficiency has improved after you started supplying to the BIG THREE?

Comments invited.


Fully vaccinated are you?
No. Dealing with companies like Ford, Visteon and many others are a nightmare. There is poor internal communication, frequent turnover of personnel and in general I find dealing with them more than a 'challange'.


No, and that applies to all companies I have worked for.
When ever you have to build your business around the demands of someone else quality and effeciency suffer,i.e., MIl-Q, ISO, QS, ISO/TS.

M Greenaway


We should build our business around the demands of our customers, shouldnt we ?


Yes we should, to a point. That point being, to provide the customer with a product that is acceptable within the prescribed time frame. That point is crossed when we are told what what kind of program to put in place, how much stock to keep,etc., etc.
What have we accomplished with programs like ISO, QS,ISO/TS?
Programs like these have taken the "pride of a job well done" to " you are required to do it this way". All based on how well you interpret the 'weasel ' words of the particular program.


Customers Rule?

M Greenaway said:


We should build our business around the demands of our customers, shouldnt we ?

If you build your business around the demands of your customer, you won't be in business long. If you don't have a partnership of some kind with your customer, your customer will not care whether you make a profit or not. Thats the problem with most automotive customers. I worked with the big 3 for 15 years, and they drove many suppliers out of business with their ridiculous demands that provided no value. All they cared about was their bottom line, not their suppliers health. Long term, that is a recipe for disaster, and you see it happening now. They are running out of ways to put all the costs on their suppliers. Ford doesn't know how to cut their own costs, the have never had too. Sign a new contract, get concessions from suppliers, that has been their business model for years. They need to understand that without suppliers, they die.


Well spoken, tarheel. My company sells labels. Ford and Visteon are constantly asking for concessions. Imagine, out piece price could be as low as .00001/ea and they want a concession.

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