ASQ Certification Exam Pass Rates - Per QCI



I have the list of the pass rates that are used to calculate the averages I posted. Every time there is BOK change, the pass rates jump up, then gradually fall back down to the original levels... kind of interesting.


ASQ Certification exam Pass rates

Amazing thing. I'm surprised to note that the lowest passing rate is for CQE.

holly21 said:
I recently attended a local ASQ meeting where the guest speaker was Bill Wortman of the Quality Council of Indiana. He shared some information concerning certification exam pass rates that I thought was interesting. I was surprised at the variance from exam to exam.

I know that ASQ doesn’t typically publish this information, so after checking with the moderator, I’m happy to post and share. Below I’ve listed the certification, the average pass rate, and the time period over which the average is calculated.

CMI 58% 3/95 – 3/05
CQT 50% 3/95 – 3/05
CQM 62% 3/95 – 3/05
CRE 51% 3/95 – 3/05
CSSBB 76% 10/01 – 3/05
CQE 43% 12/94 – 12/04
CQA 70% 6/98 – 12/04
CSQE 60% 6/99 – 12/04
CQIA 84% 12/00 – 12/04
CCT 72% 6/03 – 12/04

Bill Pflanz

holly21 said:
I have the list of the pass rates that are used to calculate the averages I posted. Every time there is BOK change, the pass rates jump up, then gradually fall back down to the original levels... kind of interesting.

It could just be normal variation unrelated to the BOK change. I don't believe that the BOK changes very frequently but it is possible that ASQ exam developers re-evaluate the questions when there are changes to make sure any new questions are fair. We are only talking about 2 tests per year for each certification so it is not much data to make any real conclusions without more detailed knowledge of the test results.

Bill Pflanz


Involved In Discussions
Just as a recent data point, we had either 18 or 19 people in our center taking the December 2013 CQE exam and based upon the published pass list we seem to have only 8 pass. That seems in keeping with the rates I've seen referred to in different places.

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