Excluding section 8.3 from an ISO 9001:2015 certification


I am looking for your point of view and opinion as to whether or not to exclude section 8.3 from the ISO 9001:2015 certification audit my client will be having. I am assisting a client who produces/manufactures beverages as per their customer's requirements and product formulations. My client additionally stores and distributes finished bottled/packaged beverages. The client's operation doesn't include any product development/design. Since my client doesn't engage in any product or service design type of activities, can they justify excluding this section 8.3 from the scope of their ISO 9001:2015 certification?

Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly
Based on the description offered, the determination of non applicability for product design seems justified. What about the actual bottles/containers? Are they also designed by the customer?


Thank you for your response Sidney. They buy the bottles and all packaging materials from approved suppliers. Those packaging materials/containers have been designed and approved by their customer.
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