Question regarding new VDA_AIAG fmea approach for process FMEA


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I was reading handbook for the new standard ,also looking several vebinars and even recieved some training about it, but now going to practical realisation of method- i realized one question that wasent appear before when we were with experts.
Normally processFMEA should cover all processes starting from incoming inspection or reciwing material on plant till shipment of final product.
in structure analysis now- how it should be reflected?
Can you give me any example of complete production process including preparation and non assembly processes?
for example- Pen assembly.
in most of trainings example wass including DFMEA for pen with including subsystem element as housing, refill, cup
and PFMEA example as only assembly operations without consideration incoming , delivery etc.- maybe just for simplifying explanation or it wasnt highlighted so obviously and was hidden somewhere

are they are on the same levels of focus elements or hierarchically we need to divide it on some blocks and link to correspondent DFMEA levels ?( product- sub product-component levels) because failure of storage process for example might be a cause on subsequent process sometimes.
Question might be stupid :) i'm not a big expert but i just want to hear some comments How you see it? what are your thoughts regarding it? Maybe some best practices could be explained?
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