SPAM - How can we flag it


Quite Involved in Discussions
Blocking new users for a few days can be counter-productive and frustrating for genuine new users.
On other forums where I am a moderator or have some admin rights, various other methods are used, such as severely limiting the number of new posts (but not responses) per day for the first few days/weeks of membership, or all new posts for the first few days of membership need to be moderated and approved before they appear in the forum. The SPAM attack at the end of last week seemed to involve only a couple of dozen posts, but I do not know if it was auto-limited and if the attack was intended to include a vast number more, or not


Involved In Discussions
Blocking new users for a few days can be counter-productive and frustrating for genuine new users.
On other forums where I am a moderator or have some admin rights, various other methods are used, such as severely limiting the number of new posts (but not responses) per day for the first few days/weeks of membership, or all new posts for the first few days of membership need to be moderated and approved before they appear in the forum. The SPAM attack at the end of last week seemed to involve only a couple of dozen posts, but I do not know if it was auto-limited and if the attack was intended to include a vast number more, or not
looks like you spoke too soon aha.
More spam just came through

Bev D

Heretical Statistician
Super Moderator
Yes. We are under a continual spam attack. Obviously bot generated as they come in waves: Multiple rapid posts, we clean them. Them more posts some hours later. We are trying to implement a permanent solution. But that takes time.

Ed Panek

QA RA Small Med Dev Company
Super Moderator
Reddit uses a system where you must comment on other posts prior to posting in a specific subforum. I think we dont need something painful but time-consuming enough to frustrate spammers.
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