Who is OEM and OEM customers?



Now I'm very confused between OEM and OEM customers. Firstly, I think OEM is the supplier who supplies to Big 3 and other car manufacturers under their brand. Later, QS9K rev.3 says that OEM is BIG 3. Now, the latest sanction says something in 'R4' about OEM customer that supplier need to notify, which I think it means Big 3 and other car manufacturers.

Help me...I'm nearly insane.


Join the crowd. I haven't found very written definitions either, so here's my own meaning;

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)- Equipment,parts components designed and manufactured IAW Big 3 specs. to be used in the final assembly of the vehicle.
OES (Original Equipment Service) - Same as above except this is the replacement part sold by the dealerships.

OEM/OES customer - Anyone in the chain of the above definitions.

This may or may not be correct but based on the level of confusion thast we create for ourselves it has worked for me.


Fully vaccinated are you?
I admit - I don't see any documented definition. I've always considered an OEM to be the company that packages the final product which you buy as well as their suppliers for that production run. So if you buy a 1999 Ford the OEM for the fuel injectors would be the company(ies) which were suppliers for that item.

As distinguished from OEM equivalent where the implication is that it meets the design and manufacturing requirements of the OEM although not produced by the OEM.

[This message has been edited by Marc Smith (edited 07 December 1999).]


Hi Sam, long time no seen.

Am I right?....
1. Kyaba produces parts for Ford under Ford's brand and spec., so Kyaba is OEM and Ford is OEM customers. Toyota also buy the other parts from Kyaba, Toyota is OEM customer, isn't it?
2. ABC company also makes the same parts as the same spec. as Ford's and sells to anyone except Ford, so ABC company is also OEM and anyone who buys this part is OEM customer.

Kevin Mader

One of THE Original Covers!

An organization who manufactures a part to a Customer specification is an OEM supplier and sells the parts to the Customer. This goes for any Customer (Ford, GM, Toyota, Hoover, Sony, etc.) who may adopt the supplier's specifications for their own (the supplier is Design responsible).

Additionally, the supplier may make similar parts to be sold on the open market (under thier own name or another, but not the OEM Customer). This would make them an 'aftermarket' supplier since the parts are not sold under the auspice of the Customer.

Does this help any?



Spaceman Spiff

In light of the definitions above, who is the OEM customer found in 4.11.2.b.1? Just the Big 3 or anyone who purchases a OEM part? If Company ABC, who is a non-B3 OEM customer, assessed Lab XYZ to be compliant with the intent of ISO/IEC Guide 25 can I use Lab XYZ without requiring them to become accredited? Am I opening a can of worms here?


1a - Yes,After the parts are approved by Ford.
1b - Toyota is an OEM/OEM customer whether or not they buy parts from Kyaba.
2- No, ABC is not an OEM unless the parts have been approved by Ford.
The parts they make would be for aftermarket use only


Thanks for all the explanation. This helps a lot.
According to Spaceman Spiff...
Is it like this?....
XYZ lab need to be assessed by OEM customer or the third party that is approved by OEM customer, e.g.
XYZ is assessed by Toyota, ABC can use this lab even ABC supplies part to B3.
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