Need to submit level 3 PPAP - New or Multiple Presses - Injection Molding


Bob Kesler

PPAP-multiple presses

We have been having problems stemming from the need to submit level 3 PPAPs when we run a product in a new press (injection molding). Is there a submittal process which can include all presses of the same tonnage without the need to ISIR each press?

Howard Atkins

Forum Administrator
No one, our registrar or customers have ever brought up this question.
When we did a customer Run@rate this would have been the time for the question but nothing was ever said.
On the PPAP we just write injection machine with out any number.
Why ask questions that you don't want to know the answer to them!!


I agree with Howard; if you don't number the machine then you don't change the process.
However, I also agree with Marc, if the registrar is "bullheaded" he can make life miserable for you.
Best advice "call your Customer"
On the other hand, IMHO the PPAP/ISIR is the best method available for documenting the quality of the product/process. I would suggest updating the PPAP for every change.
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