7.6 Software confirmation



7.6 States "The ability of computer software to satisify the intended application shall be confirmed."

Does calibration of a CMM confirm the software or is there some other method?

Any help is appreciated.
Good question... and the answer is not as straightforward as one may think.

I used to handle a CMM some years back, and guess what? I detected one bug after another in the software. The machine was calibrated ok and the measurements were quite satisfactory, but:

The software writers had goofed. They were right on concerning the usual geometrical shapes, but tended to over simplify the evaluation algorithms for form and position tolerances. The worst thing I found out was how it handled the maximum material principle. It turned out that it adviced me to scrap parts I found to be well within tolerances when I checked the same figures manually... Ouch!

So: My opinion is: It depends on the intended application...

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